TMAE 2023 AUGUST 18-20, 2023 | Washington DC, USA
2023 5th International Conference on Trends in Mechanics and Aerospace (TMAE 2023) will be held in Washington DC, USA during August 18-20, 2023 with co-sponsored by Capitol Technology University, USA, as the workshop of ICMMM 2023.
TMAE 2023 will provide an excellent international forum for sharing knowledge and results in theory, methodology and applications impacts and challenges of Mechanical Engineering and Aerospace. The conference documents practical and theoretical results which make a fundamental contribution for the development of Mechanical Engineering and Aerospace. The aim of the conference is to provide a platform to the researchers and practitioners from both academia as well as industry to meet and share cutting-edge development in the field.
TMAE Publication & Indexing

Submitted and selected papers will be peer-reviewed by technical program committees based on the paper's topic, quality, etc. Accepted and presented papers will be recommended to International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research (ISSN: 2278-0149 (Online), indexed by Scopus).
Welcome you to submit your full paper or abstract by Electronic Submission System. If you'd like to attend the conference without paper publication and presentation, please donwload the listener registration form and make the registration directly via the payment link.